Friday, June 11, 2010


I've recently overcome my fear of commitment to painting my 40k models only to realize that there is a definite limit to my abilities in that area. Previously, I have successfully painted a few Fantasy Minotaurs to tabletop standard minus washes and sealing. Some background just in case anyone is reading this...I have designed and build theatrical sets, custom made and painted Star Wars action figures, and painted artwork on canvas, so I am no stranger to creative pursuits involving painting. However, I have spend so much time looking at other people's work and seeing how wonderful the top of the top can be that I psyched myself out. Everyone wants to be the best they can be in their given hobby. I have confidence that I can, eventually, paint my 40k and Fantasy armies to tabletop standard or better...but that is about as good as it will get. I'm okay with that.

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