Saturday, May 1, 2010

A Place to Archive My 40k Endeavors...

I began playing Warhammer 40,000 (40k) back in 2004...then took a hiatus...then started again in 2006 (along with Warhammer Fantasy Battles)...then took another hiatus...and restarted again in 2009...then took one more hiatus, swearing to give up the game entirely due to one individual...and now, thanks to Robert of, I am back again. I started with everyone's favorite, Space Marines...mainly because my wife thought the Necrons looked "evil". I then dallied with the Ruinous Powers playing Nurgle worshipping Plague Marines. I mainly liked the conversion and sculpting possibilities with the models. My recent foray back into the 41st Millenium has been with Loyalist Space Marines.

My Chapter's name is "The Holy Ghosts". I named them that because I wanted to declare my love of God even in my hobby. I was told that Latin isn't what is used in the 40k Universe, rather it is a Latin/Greek/made-up creation. Even so, my Chapter's name in Latin is "Sanctus Lemures".

I've created my Chapter based on the Ultramarines and their successors. Created during the 16th Founding, The Holy Ghosts were originally a stalwart Company of the Ultramarines. The Company was lead by then Capt. Cassian Ranos and ministered to by then Chaplain Mordecai Anteri. Ranos and Anteri held their men to the strictest standards of piety and righteousness, earning the Company the reputation of being uncorruptable dispensers of the Emperor's Justice. They eventually caught the eye of Grand Inquisitor Justinius Occultus, who championed their bid for Chapterhood. Many a Xeno and Heretic fell to the combined might of Occultus' Grey Knights, the Holy Ghosts, and the Sisters of Silence. Eventually, Occultus strayed too close to the Warp and was unredeemably corrupted. He betrayed the Ghosts and the Sisters, sending many to their deaths or worse. The Chapter began recruiting in earnest after their decimation...

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